Decouple text alignment and color from text styles

Text alignment and color should not be a part of the text stye or there should at least be an option to make it mandatory or not when creating styles. I think this is one of a few major productivity upgrades we need in Sketch.

I absolutely agree!

Could you provide a use case to elaborate on your idea? How would your developers prefer to work with it?

This is less about developers and more about designers. Working with text styles is currently very demanding as you need to keep every possible iteration of the style just because alignment and color are defining style as well. Instead of that it would be much better if we would only define styles with typographic parameters and leave alignment and color as a separate thing you can set locally when using styles. Much cleaner and nicer to work with. If Sketch thinks there is still a need to be super strict with styles it can be a preference to make color and alignemtn part of it or not.

It’s all about developers. The better you understand the programmer, the better product you will build as a team. We can’t work with different paradigms than developers do. Sketch is giving you a tool for building interfaces based on code. So yes, we can’t change what Text Style means. It means what it means and trust me, it’s great when you understand it better.

Talk with your devs and try to understand your work better, they will help you start thinking more like a developer than a designer, and that will take you and your work to the next level.

“Sketch is where great design happens” says the first thing on the homepage…

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I understand what developers need. Developers would still see full text style in inspector, if that is a concern.

Will this be addressed? I think it is essential for working on design systems and seems like a relatively simple thing to implement. It can be done with special Sketch twist, but doing duplicate styles just to have different alignment is not a great experience. Maybe it wouldn’t be such an issue if text styles could be described instead of needing to create text and make a style based on that.


Hey @wwwedran

I understand your point and there’s a benefit of course. We may address this in the future, but it’s not a priority at the moment.

It’s a priority and a constant pain for many Sketch users…

Yeah, this feels like a low hanging fruit to be more competitive to Figma.

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Sorry to keep getting back to this, but I am just working on a relatively small design system and setting up typography styles is really painful and unnecessarily difficult because of the number of permutations I need to create to support all alignments and colors. It just makes me angry because I know it can be much easier if those would be detached from the typography styles.

Please consider the importance and urgency of this feature internally. I strongly believe this would be a big improvement for everyone, not just folks that work on design systems.


Hey @wwwedran , it’s something we take into account. We can’t make any promises of quick changes, unfortunately.

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In our case we’d like to use text styles to standardize font size and line-height exclusively. We’d like all other variables (font variant, color, alignement) to be “optional” or “empty” since they very depending on the context, so that results in dozens (if not hundred as our colors are based on content) of text styles needing to be created.

Maybe an overrides-like interface with checkboxes where you can set which text attributes are saved to the Text Style or not?